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Chapter Officers 

Officer Roles and Responsibilities

Below is an overview of the roles and responsibilities of our chapter Officers.

Membership Co-Chairs

The Membership Co-Chairs shall be responsible for all activities necessary in support of maintaining an active Chapter membership. This shall include supervising the activities of the Membership Committee, including review and approval of membership applications, the preparation and distribution of the Chapter’s publications plus any additional duties that may be assigned by the President and Board of Directors. In furtherance, but not in limitation of this office, the Membership Chair’s primary duties shall be to:

1. Maintain the mailing list of Chapter members.

2. Develop and implement promotional activities for the purpose of soliciting new members.

3. Provide a monthly report to the Board which provides member application status overview

4. Present all applications for membership to the Membership Committee for its review and approval of those which it deems qualified for membership in the Chapter before granting membership.


  • The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the Chapter and shall perform all duties that pertain to the office of Treasurer and that may be assigned by the President and Board of Directors. In furtherance, but not in limitation of this office, the Treasurer’s primary duties shall be to:

  • 1. Prepare the annual operating budget

  • 2. Prepare and submit tax forms.

  • 3. Comply with federal, state or municipal filing requirements needed to keep the Chapter’s Charter and not-for-profit status in good standing. 

  • 4. Keep full and correct account of receipts and disbursements in the books belonging to the Chapter.

  • 5. Deposit the funds of the Chapter in a designated bank with the concurrence of the Board of Directors.

  • 6. Dispose of funds of the Chapter as may be ordered by the Board of Directors, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements.

  • 7. Prepare documentation necessary for the annual financial audit

  • 8. Render to the President and members of the Board of Director an account of the financial condition of the Chapter monthly.

Our chapter relies on active and engaged members like you to achieve our mission. By joining a committee or taking on a leadership role, you’ll contribute to the success of our chapter while gaining opportunities for professional development, networking, and community involvement.




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